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Defending Scientific Method Over the last year we at Ansible have been approached several times concerning the age of the Universe. The current understanding is that the "Big Bang" occurred some 13.7 billion years ago. There are however some who believe that the universe is only 6 thousand years old. Initially we were puzzled by these comments and were not sure how to respond.
Our Position Arriving at an age of 13.7 billion years requires significant groundwork and understanding of many advanced concepts. Before one can trust the value of a measurement it is necessary to trust the calibration of the instruments used and the accuracy of prior observations. Precision is critical as an error made early on will be amplified many times over. In fact, errors have been made in the past but with responsible review and practices these flaws can and will be corrected.
When the first Exo-Planet was discovered we wondered if the techniques and technologies used to measure the delicate "wobble" of a star so far way was really possible. How did they know the motors, bearings, servos, sensors and components used to make this observation could be trusted? How did they know the color of the light reveals the elements contained within the star?
The answer.....it took many generations to calibrate and confirm the system.
We stand on the shoulders of thousands of scientists, researchers and engineers before us who carefully, methodically verified and confirmed the theories and observations made by the generation before. There is no magic, no supernatural, no special effects, just careful, faithful execution of the principals and practices of science.
Humans are by nature spiritual creatures and this need not be denied. Attaining knowledge however takes hard work, imagination and above all honesty.
Aram Friedman, President, Ansible Technolgies LTD